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Free MP4 to MP3 Converter

Carbon visual style
Release date:
Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese (BR), Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10


Older versions


Free MP4 to MP3 Converter is a program that converts MP4M4AM4B (audiobooks), M4R (ringtones) and AAC files to MP3 or WAV format. In addition, the program lets you copy (extract) original audio tracks without any loss of quality.

The program also allows you to split input files based on chapters (often found in M4B files).
Metadata by default are copied from the source files, but the user can add their own tags.

To convert audio streams to MP3 the application uses the latest version of the LAME encoder. The program supports encoding with a constant bit rate – CBR, average bitrate – ABR and variable bit rate – VBR (based on LAME presets).

Basic operation of the program is very simple: just drag & drop MP4, M4A, M4B, M4R or AAC files into main window, select the Default encoder settings in the Profile list and click the  button.
More advanced users can customize many encoding parameters: audio bitrate, bitrate mode, number of audio channels, audio sampling frequency, volume, time range and other.

The program is available in 32 bit and 64 bit version. The conversion process of the 64-bit version is faster by a few to 20%.


The most important features

  • Converting MP4, M4A, M4B, M4R and AAC files to MP3 or WAV.
  • Possibility to copy (extracting) audio tracks from the source files without any loss of quality.
  • Splitting the output files by chapters stored in the source files.
  • Fully configurable file list (table) displays a lot of useful information: duration, audio stream size, audio codec, audio bitrate, artist, title, chapter title and many more.
  • MP3 compression using the latest version of the LAME encoder.
  • Support for all the LAME encoder presets.
  • Copying of metadata from the source files, or adding the user metadata.
  • A number of predefined conversion profiles. Possibility to save your own settings to an INI file.
  • The ability to customize encoding parameters: bitrate mode (CBR, ABR, VBR), audio bitrate, audio sampling frequency, number of audio channels, volume, time range.
  • Displaying a detailed technical information about the source files in the File properties window.
  • The ability to save encoder commands to BAT file.
  • Adding files to the file list by Drag and Drop.
  • The program is portable: it does not use system registry and all settings are stored in INI files. Thus, the program can be run from portable devices such as pendrives, removable drives.
  • The program has a built-in support for multiple languages. Current version supports Bulgarian, Chinese (incomplete), Czech, English, Finnish (incomplete), French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese (BR), Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish.
  • 100% freeware! – for private and commercial use. The program does not require registration, there is no built-in limitations.