




QuickChangeResolution is a small utility that allows you to quickly change the display resolution.



Command-line parameters

-r, --set-resolutionSets the given resolution.
-u, --userWrites a new resolution to the system registry (for the current user).
-a, --allWrites a new resolution to the system registry (for all users).
--homeOpen program home page in the default browser.
--githubOpen source code repository on the GitHub.
-h, --helpLists the available options, current resolution, and a list of resolutions
supported by the current monitor.


Sometimes I work on a laptop with a damaged matrix. Most often I connect to this laptop via the virtual desktop. Then I use the maximum resolution. However, I have to do some things directly on it. Then I have to change the resolution to a much lower one.

Sometimes I have to switch resolutions frequently during my work. Changing the resolution using the Control Panel is very inconvenient for me, so I wrote this program.

How to uninstall?


End User License Agreement



Version 1.1 (2021.10.13)

  • Displaying more detailed information when the program is run from the command line (thanks to RicoLeNecro).
  • Correcting the position of the main window so that it is visible after changing the resolution and after starting the program (thanks to RicoLeNecro).
  • Added F9 hotkey to change resolution.

Version 1.0 (2021.03.19)

Initial release.


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