Main window
A free video converter which converts MP4, M4V and MP4V files to AVI or MPG (MPEG-1/2) format. Video files generated by the program can be played on most mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, Samsung Galaxy, etc.). These files can also be imported by most programs for the processing of video files (including Windows Movie Maker).
Older versions
Free MP4 to AVI Converter is the freeware application which converts MP4, M4V and MP4V files into AVI or MPG (MPEG-1, MPEG-2).
MP4 files are commonly used in video sites (YouTube), portable players (iPod, PSP), mobile phones (iPhone) and other devices. Unfortunately, many players and video editing software does not support the MP4 format. In this case, it is necessary to convert MP4 file to more common formats such as AVI or MPG.
The program has a number of predefined settings (profiles) specially designed for novice users. While more advanced users can customize video and audio encoding parameters used by encoder: audio and video codec, audio and video bitrate, fps, sampling frequency, resolution, volume and other.
The application interface is a very simple and user-friendly. To convert video files, just drag & drop them into main window and click
button on the toolbar.At default settings, the application converts files using Xvid video encoder and MP3 audio encoder, and automatically selects all the encoding parameters so as to preserve the original video and audio quality.
Most portable and fixed players should have no problems playing AVI files created with these settings
The program is available in both 32 bit and 64 bit version. The conversion process of the 64-bit version is faster by a few to 25% (depending on the selected video encoder).
To encode the video files the program uses the FFmpeg encoder (
To retrieve information about video files, the program uses the library MediaInfo.dll (
The program is accompanied by a special version of the FFmpeg encoder, adapted to the needs of the program. Not recommended to use other versions of FFmpeg.
Version 1.17 (2021.01.22)
.Version 1.16 (2019.11.04)
Version 1.15 (2018.09.13)
Version 1.14 (2018.02.21)
Version 1.13 (2017.02.22)
Version 1.12 (2016.09.16)
Version 1.11 (2016.07.08)
Version 1.10 (2016.05.24)
Version 1.9 (2014.06.16)
Version 1.8 (2013.11.22)
Version 1.7 (2013.04.06)
Version 1.6 (2011.12.04)
Version 1.5 (2011.10.22)
Version 1.4 (2011.05.07)
Version 1.3 (2009.03.14)
Version 1.2 (2008.08.23)
Version 1.1 (2008.01.11)
Version 1.0 (2007.12.14)
Initial release.
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