



IniMod is a small console application for managing INI files.

The program allows you to perform basic operations on INI files, such as saving and reading key values, creating and deleting sections, renaming and deleting keys, adding and removing a file comment and section comment, etc.





Options are case-insensitive. Options and values in square brackets are optional.
All parameters that do not start with the - or / sign are treated as file names/masks.
Options and input files can be placed in any order, but -- (double dash followed by space) indicates the end of parsing options and all subsequent parameters are treated as file names/masks.


w, WriteWrites a key value.IniMod w FILES -s Section -k Key -v Value
r, ReadReads and displays the value of a key.IniMod r FILES -s Section -k Key
rnk, RenameKeyRenames the given key.IniMod rnk FILES -s Section -k OldKeyName -kn NewKeyName
rmk, RemoveKeyRemoves the key.IniMod rmk FILES -s Section -k Key
rms, RemoveSectionRemoves the given section.IniMod rms FILES -s Section
ras, RemoveAllSectionsRemoves all sections.IniMod ras FILES
rs, ReadSectionDisplays section keys and values.IniMod rs FILES -s Section
rk, ReadKeysDisplays section keys.IniMod rk FILES -s Section
ls, ListSectionsDisplays the names of all sections.IniMod ls FILES
wsc, WriteSectionCommentAdds one line to the section comment.IniMod wsc FILES -s Section -c Comment [-x NUM]
rsc, RemoveSectionCommentClears section comment.IniMod rsc FILES -s Section
wfc, WriteFileCommentAdds one line to the file comment.IniMod wfc FILES -c Comment [-x NUM]
rfc, RemoveFileCommentClears file comment.IniMod rfc FILES


-s, --section=NAMESection name.
-k, --key=NAMEKey name.
-kn, --new-key-name=NAMEKey name.
-v, --value=STRKey value.
-c, --comment=STRSection or file comment.
-x NUMPadding spaces (for comments). NUM – a positive integer.
-rd, --recurse-depth=NUMRecursion depth when searching for files. NUM – a positive integer.
--silentDo not display some messages.
-h, --helpShow this help.
--versionShow application version.
--licenseDisplay program license.
--homeOpens program homepage in the default browser.
--githubOpens the GitHub page with the program’s source files.


Any combination of file names/masks.
Eg.: file.ini *config*.ini "long file name.ini"

Exit codes

Exit codeDescription
OK (no error)
Syntax error
Other error


INI files are saved using UTF-8 encoding.

To create a new section, run the program with the Write command and specify the name of the desired section. If this section does not exist in the INI file, it will be created automatically.

All lines in INI files that start with the character ; are comments.

The file comment is the comment before the first section.
Each time the program is run with the WriteFileComment command, one line is added to the end of the current file comment.

A section comment is between the section name and the first section key.
Each run of the program with the WriteSectionComment command adds one line to the end of the current comment for the specified section.


I wrote this program many years ago for my own use. I use it very often, maybe it will also be useful to someone.

How to uninstall?


End User License Agreement



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